This section is: Illustration.

Commercial illustration by Jason Towers

Montage of commercial illustration examples. © 2008 Jason Towers.

Jason Towers provides commercial illustration services for professional publication. He initially did so between 1989 and 1996; in 2006 he returned to the field. His work has appeared in magazines, books and marketing collateral within Australia and internationally.

In 1997 Jason was nominated for the Australian Science Fiction Award ("Ditmar") in the Best Professional Artwork category. This was based on a painted magazine cover published in 1996.

Jason now offers the following services:

All of these are offered in a range of styles. A few examples are below.

For more information, please contact Jason via email or telephone.

Thumbnail image: cartoon Thumbnail image: vector art Thumbnail image: caricature Thumbnail image: cartoon
Thumbnail image: full page diagram Thumbnail image: spot illustration Thumbnail image: vector diagram Thumbnail image: company mascot